Can Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Improve Your Sex Life?

Can Mesa AZ Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Improve Your Sex Life?

Can Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Improve Your Sex Life?
Dr. Mohamed Akl of AZ Urogynecology and Pelvic Health Center discusses how pelvic floor physical therapy is a non-surgical option to treat pelvic floor relaxation disorders.
Mesa, Arizona

Vaginal birth is the most common cause of injury to the female pelvic floor musculature leading to loss of vaginal wall support. Pelvic floor injuries are more common in women who delivered large size babies, had multiple vaginal deliveries, long difficult labor, vaginal tears while delivering or the use of forceps or vacuum during the delivery. Some women may experience vaginal laxity and decreased vaginal tone. Others may experience feeling of heaviness or pressure in the vagina and sometimes inability to place a tampon due to the collapse of the vaginal walls. Often women and / or their sexual partners would express a negative impact on their sex lives due to the above mentioned symptoms.

Vaginal laxity, prolapse and pelvic floor relaxation can be treated surgically with pelvic reconstructive surgery which involves reinforcement of the vaginal support structures and cutting the excessive redundant vaginal skin and thus restoring vaginal wall support and tightness again.

Some studies have used sexual satisfaction questionnaires to evaluate women before and after pelvic reconstructive surgery. These studies have shown higher sexual satisfaction rates after surgery. These results can attributed to increased vaginal tone and increased self confidence level among these women after restoring normal vaginal anatomy.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy is another non-surgical option to treat pelvic floor relaxation disorders. A physical therapist specialized in female pelvic floor disorders would work with patients in weekly sessions to restore pelvic floor muscle tone and reduce prolapse symptoms.

A specialist in Pelvic floor disorders is a physician who received subspecialty training to treat female pelvic floor disorders. At our practice we offer mesh free pelvic reconstructive surgical procedures. We also offer pelvic floor physical therapy performed by a pelvic floor Physical Therapist.

Dr. Mohamed Akl, Urogynecologist in Mesa ArizonaWritten By:

AZ Urogynecology and Pelvic Health Center
6632 E. Baseline RD., Suite 101
Mesa, Arizona 85206

Office: 480-889-2654
Fax: 480-699-1022

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
